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Is Ear Candling for you?

Ear candling sounds like a rather strange activity, but much to my surprise, I have found many websites and books describing ear candling with some positive and some negative feedbacks.

So what is ear candling?
Ear candling or coning as it is also known, is the cleaning of the ears using special candles, and there are suggestions that it dates back as far as the ancient Egyptians and also the Chines e and American Indian tribes too.

So what do you use for ear candling?
Special long, hollow and tapered candles are used, with the narrow end of the candle passing through a foil pie plate and into the ear. The pie plate is used for safety to catch any drips of wax, and the head should be protected with a damp towel, in case of sparks. The candle is lit and slowly melts, supposedly causing the toxins from the ear to be drawn up into the candle itself, thus relieving the patient of wax and toxins. It is a very relaxing experience for many, who perform this as many as 6 times a year, with one or even two ear candles used for each ear each time.

Safety Issues concerning ear candling
Now there are many safety issues involved, obviously since a live flame is used! You have to make sure that the patient does not get any sparks or wax on him/her. The use of the pie plate will help with this, and a towel over the head, but one of the main reminders is not to let the ear candle burn to less than 4 inches from the ear. If the candle burns closer to the ear, there is obviously more chance of the hot wax from the candle itself causing burning in the ear as it runs down the candle.

Although there is evidence of a growing use of ear candles, many believe that ear candling really does no good, and can in fact cause a great deal of harm to individuals. There are reports of wax burning the eardrum of individuals, or causing burn marks on the face, and of course fire itself is a safety hazard. It is advisable never to try ear candling when you are alone, because of the risk of injury.

According to many health professionals, there is no evidence that ear candling does in fact remove anything from the ear, and they suggest that the matter found inside the ear candle after a treatment is a result of the candle burning through and producing the wax and the soot itself. On the other hand, many swear that ear candling helps to keep their ears clear, and that it helps with sinus problems and headaches too.

Whatever your thoughts about ear candling, it obviously should not be used when there are other known ear problems like ear surgery or cysts or ear injuries, and remember to seek the advice of a medical professional before trying any alternative health treatments. Should you decide to try ear candling, relax and enjoy the procedure in a safe environment, with someone on hand to supervise the candles.